It was truly a spirtual experience!
I truly believe that rainbows are special signs and gifts from God. I had not seen a rainbow in what seemed like years, but the day of Amanda's funeral just as Kim and I pulled out of the cemetery on the way to Mike and Dena's house there it was no colors just white. I may have missed it had it not been for Kim seeing it and saying look mom a rainbow. Do you see it she ask me, I looked up and there it was as beautiful as ever. God's promise Kim said, That's why I had chose the song "Somewhere over the rainbow" for Amanda's memorial website.
The pain of your loss has not lessened. The grief and the tears strike me at such odd moments. You were our angel for 27 years and will be for the rest of our life.
It feel's so unjust that we have to sit here and write to you in words the depth of our love, respect and admiration for you. Because no matter how much we write or how eloquent we put our thoughts to paper, it wouldn't even begin to tap into or do justice to the feelings that run so deep inside each one of us.
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