Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Dream

A Dream Within A Dream

I very seldom have a dream within a dream. So that makes this dream in some ways so unique. In this dream was Amanda in what appeared to be her angel appearance. She was so radiant, so much beauty, flawless skin, yet glowing like no other from inward out. In many ways a bitter/sweet dream as she was trying to relay a message that someone was standing in her way of her seeing the girls. She said it had been a long time since she saw them last and was really looking forward to seeing them. She was asking if she could see her babies but was unsure how they'd feel about seeing her. We assured her that it would be alright and that she could see them in the next room. As she moved across the floor I woke up by the sound of something stirring about outside. I'm not sure of who might be standing in her way of seeing her babies but I can say this though. I know her heart grew as one with another and the one half of your heart still remains here on earth.

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