Monday, July 27, 2009

A Heart Of Gold

Your heart was full of love and kindness and so so precious! A heart trimmed of gold - filled with giving. This world - full of givers and takers and you were always giving of yourself. I miss you so much so that it still hurts today hardly feels like I've healed any at all. I know the pain that your family feels from the loss of you, and the not being able to see their grandbabies at all. Some people think they're in control and boast on what they think has put them in control, when in the end they are far from being in control of the things that they think they own all rights to. There will come a day and a time when all this will change for one doesn't stay in control for ever. We all had a great time this past Saturday at Kim's bridal shower only one person missing Amanda and that was you. I know you were there in spirit though and that helps me to make it through each wonderful event without you there in person. Just missing you terribly and wishing that life in some cases didn't have to be so unfair.

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